“Why D’Ye Hate Me So Much, Lads???”



Open to a pregnant EMILY, who isn’t too large, but at the point in her pregnancy where her belly is at an adorable size. Dressed in paint-splattered overalls, she steps back, taking a break from rolling the yellow coloring on the wall, to see how her progress turned out so far. She uses the back of her hand to dab at her sweat-drenched bangs, and get them out of her face. Suddenly, she hears a familiar maternal voice from the door. It’s her mother, ROWENA.

ROWENA And what have we here, little missy? A little girl in trouble?

EMILY (Smiles and goes over to hug her.) Mum…how are you?

ROWENA (Running her magical hands around Emily’s belly.) How–when did this happen, darling?

EMILY Just a few months ago. I wanted to tell you, but we wanted it to be a surprise.

ROWENA I’m so happy for you, dear. I know how long you two have been trying.

EMILY I didn’t want to jinx it.

ROWENA (With a comforting hand on Emily’s cheek.) Oh, sweetheart…this one will make it, I know it.

EMILY (After smiling at each other for a beat.) Before I forget, I wanted to ask you, if you could be so kind as to put a protection spell around her.

ROWENA (Amazed.) “Her”?

EMILY “Her”.

ROWENA I would be honored to perform the spell.

(They share another hug.)

ROWENA (Cont’d) Now, tell me, where can I find the lads?

EMILY Library, doing research. What else?

ROWENA Really? Even Dean?

EMILY He’s reading new daddy stuff. He’s so anxious it’s so cute.

ROWENA I’ll see you later, aye?



Rowena exits the nursery, fuming at the ears. Once she spots the Winchesters seated at the desks in the library–Sam reading his lore book intently, Dean panic-flipping through the paternal version of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”–she makes sure she is heard.

ROWENA WHY d’ye hate me so much, lads, eh?

SAM (Puzzled.) What?

DEAN (Sweating.) You got a couple hours?

ROWENA My daughter is with child and not one of you said a word? Explain yourself, Dean!

DEAN We thought she was going to tell you; that’s not on us.

ROWENA (Insulted.) Samuel?

SAM Sorry? We didn’t think it was going to be a big deal.

ROWENA She’s been through multiple miscarriages, after which she always came crying to me, her mum. Heartbreak after heartbreak and you didn’t think it was going to be a big deal?

DEAN She didn’t want to make it a big deal. It was bad enough we got hopeful, she didn’t want to add you into the hype.

ROWENA Well, I know now, and since I can’t be mad at her, my grudge is with both of ye.

DEAN (Sarcastically.) How will we ever live? (After a beat for the air to get serious, losing any sense of the rivalry.) You think this one’ll take, Rowena? I mean, you saw her. What do your Witchy senses tell you?

ROWENA I think so. I took a quick look at her. She’s healthy. Emily also wants me to perform a protection spell on the child this time, but I’ll need the proud father present.

DEAN Just say the word.

ROWENA I’m really happy for you two. I shouldn’t have questioned your intentions with my daughter, Dean. You’re really good to each other.

DEAN I’d take a bullet for her. And our kid.

ROWENA (Nodding towards Dean’s book.) I guess you don’t need that book after all. You have it all figured out.

DEAN Yeah, says the woman who loved someone else as a son more than her own.

ROWENA I’ve made a lot of mistakes, Dean. Not being more loving to Fergus was the worst of them all.


Published by Rowena🌹Whispers

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