Passion and Balance, Pt. 1 (NSFW)

EXT. CABIN IN MIDDLE OF ACTUAL NOWHERE – AFTERNOON We hear what sounds like a dog drinking water. A woman lets out a comfortable and happy whimper. INT. BEDROOM Them both completely naked, we interrupt Dean indulging himself between Daveneigh’s legs, which rest on his shoulders. The window is wide open. Dean has his handsContinue reading “Passion and Balance, Pt. 1 (NSFW)”

God is a Woman

Shhhhit…I thought as I rested in a supine position on my bed. My eyes wouldn’t shut, especially as the ticking of the clock seemed louder than usual. With a wave of my hand, I muted that noisy piece of glass. Ahh, finally some peace and quiet…which didn’t help my insomnia. The tapping of the clockContinue reading “God is a Woman”

Testing the Waters

Dean couldn’t stop hearing his voice in his head as his dad continued on driving. He knew he had to get it out of his system, but didn’t have the balls to say the words he’d been rehearsing up until this point. They were on their way back to Sammy, who expected an answer fromContinue reading “Testing the Waters”


Dear Ivy, This is going to sound ridiculous, because I know you won’t read this. We burned your body, so there’s no reason why you’d be around, but I need to get this out of my system. For me. Ever since I heard what happened to you, there have been no words. I can’t properlyContinue reading “Said/Unsaid”

The Difference

FADE IN. INT. CABIN – DUNGEON We open to a teen couple held against their will. The Wicked Witch of the West has taken them captive with plans on cooking them alive. They’ve already seen their fellow prisoners get hoisted away and heard the muffled screaming and pleading of terror from upstairs. Oddly enough, teenContinue reading “The Difference”

🪄 or 🍫

FADE IN: INT. BUNKER – LIBRARY – NOON SAM WINCHESTER is seated at his usual spot, books laid out in front of him with a glass of whiskey next to him. All of a sudden, he hears whispering coming from behind him, at the entrance to the library. He knows his wife and eight-year-old sonContinue reading “🪄 or 🍫”

Bullshit and You Know It

FADE IN: ALLEY – NIGHT The ground glistens with fresh rain. From behind a dumpster, we hear uncomfortable groaning and an uneven breathing pattern. Is the creature in pain? Are they in heat? Once we pan to what’s actually happening behind said dumpster, it’s a woman who is sweating, shivering, and looks as if she’sContinue reading “Bullshit and You Know It”

Samira and Dina Winchester

FADE IN: INT. BUNKER – DEAN’S ROOM Open up in Dean’s perspective as he stirs awake. We hear a woman’s voice moaning while an equally feminine hand rubs the eyes of the person whose POV we’re in. The person then walks into the bathroom and sits down on the toilet. They then glance down atContinue reading “Samira and Dina Winchester”

Second Opinion

The silence was pounding in my ears. I sat at the motel desk, scrolling through the Internet, doing some in-depth research. I was going to be in bed by midnight, but once that rolled around, I knew I couldn’t just shut my brain off by this point, especially with my computer screen keeping my eyesContinue reading “Second Opinion”

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